
Friday, May 27, 2011

Little by little

Our little building site has still been fairly quiet.  We managed to get a quarter of the purlins (the timber that will hold the roofing iron on and our ceiling up) up a little while ago, with the help of a friend Garryn. 

quarter of the purlins up (half of the long ones though!)
 The purlins are all different lengths for each segment of the decagon shape of the roof (confused yet??).  They are held up with a custom made bracket and 2 bolts into the pulin and 2 into the main beam.

View of the brackets and the attachment to the main beam
This timber is the smallest (and supposedly the lightest) of the timber we have used in the frame.  Still too heavy for manual lifting, so we have kept using our lifting device for these too.  Its been an invaluable tool on the building site, and made the whole process safe and fairly easy.

Brad, Garryn and the lifter in action!
Hopefully the next post on this blog will be a celebratory one to say that the framing stage is finished!  Then our building surveyor will inspect it and hopefully give it a big tick of approval, which will mean we can get started on the (white) roof, and then the luxury of undercover workspace!  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A little progress - the fascia boards

Its been a bit quiet on the building site lately.  Such is the life of an owner builder!  But some progress has been made.

We had brackets made up to put the purlins up.  140 brackets and they needed to be painted as well!!  We have purchased the bolts to attach the brackets and purlins to the main beams.

We spent a whole day cutting and putting up the fascia boards (literally a full day, as Brad finished up in the light of the full moon!  They went up fairly quickly with our trusty 'lifter' - the lifting device we built to handle the heavy timbers.

All that remains to finish the frame are the purlins (70 beams that go between the main beams).  This will probably be a pretty intensive job as there is a lot of timber to put up.  We hope to get stuck into that soon!

Then we will be gearing up to put the roof on which will make building life a whole lot easier!